November 07, 2011

Things have been on a roller coaster!

I am a bit frazzled but very hopeful of a positive income and outcome.

I have become more aware of myself, I can almost explain what my dreams are and not think 'I am just saying for saying'.

I asked a friend why we bother go to work, to keep busy and to get ahead of our peers she answered, really, seriously, surely? I had better come up with a better explanation soon...but it has something to do with making a difference to my community,society and world at large.

I think I know why I like Mr.Donald Trump, he is powerful that is one of my attraction criteria and especially because it is not a position power its more of 'The Leader Who had no Title' by Robin Sharma Kind.
He hasn't been asked by anyone to deliver on certain parameters, he just delivers. If it was for his children, he would have stopped a while back when he made enough to support them. If it is greed, he wouldn't be working as hard, he would have found ways to cut corners and make easy quick money. He has a drive one not too many have.

I am out of a job as of the end of this month, reasons are related to above write up. I need to figure where I am going, to do what and start moving in that direction.

I need to do a lot of practice on the things I enjoy doing, It is said to become an expert at something I need to invest 10,000 hours at it.

I have been accessing a lot of random information from books, reality shows, practical experience and they are forming a critical path, I should be very scared now that am out of a job but I am not sure I am, I am looking for the best route to get me to where I intend to go.

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