May 02, 2011

not shy... anything to avert too much attention

Some people are not shy, though they may appear to be, they just do anything to avert too much attention. They will not say too much unless its necessary or they are cornered, They will not dress strikingly or so absurd which will attract attention, They do not like to go to places where they will meet everyone they know, They will not volunteer for roles with maximum lime light, they are just average in appearance, not much to write home about.

They may appear to be in conflict with Marianne Williamson...
“Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”


They wear clothes a size bigger than they are, they say little or nothing to celebrities and will avoid them as much as possible, they are often embarrassed when given too much praise, they volunteer for seemingly small inconspicuous roles, They rarely share what is in their dreams as they have some fear of disappointment which is worse if 'everyone knew about it'.

Something else they do...

They study people around them, They silently listen to conversations around them,They have different types of conflicting friends as they do not engage in similar activities as their friends do but will sit around to listen in anyway... this often brings conflict with the quote "show me your friends and I'll show you who you are".

The confusing part...

If you are a friend, you probably think they are the most talkative people in the world! They say things in abstract form and most often appear complicated, while this is the safest way for them to express themselves. You probably know they can speak well or lead well but when asked to do it, they'll more often than not refuse and only step up if there is no other capable or willing person. With a comfortable public, they will come forth as 'know it all' as they know a bit of everything from all the people they are often around.

They are extroverted introverts ha!

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