July 28, 2010

How do you handle conflict?

Sometime ago in church the sermon was funny, it was about conflicts in marriage though the sermon applied to general life as well.

In conflict, there are several ways that people handle themselves and the situation. There are two categories of people, the runners and the fighters. They are all bad ways of solving conflict and we are all specialists of atleast one.
The disclaimer given was, you marry/hang out with the person whom you are in the same level of maturity regardless of whether you/they are a fighter or a runner.. so you cannot put your partner down.

How a Runner handles conflict

Tortoise - These are the people who build a wall around themselves;professionals of nil-by-mouth;wont talk about the conflict and you just move on.

Ostrich - These are the happy-go-lucky people, everything is alright, bury your head in the sand despite the great conflict you are going through. If you ever told anyone your partner is mistreating you..no one would believe you.. coz nothing looks wrong at all.

Owl - These are the people who ignore the conflict, they are intelligent so they can guess what your side of the conflict is, so when you say it they just roll their eyes "i knew you wld say that".They already know how you will react so when you do it...bravo...remember all this time you have not solved your conflict.

How a Fighter handles conflict

Hedgehog - These are the people who get very defensive in a conflict. You point out something is wrong and they puff up in their defense. They think you are attacking them rather than the conflict in question.

Skunk - These are the people who in conflict already know they are in the wrong but they come out fighting so hard and bring up your past mistakes and make sure you look worse than they do(just like a skunk sprays you and you end up stinking). At the end of the day you end up apologosing to them for past mistakes and you end up not handling the conflict in question.

Gorilla - These are the people who get into conflict just to win. They push to the bitter end, they must win. They will not give up until you see their point and agree with them.

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