I have enjoyed reading Linchpin by Seth Godin, he has aroused the question of the difference between Art and Craft. In primary school/elementary school we studied a subject art and craft where we learnt mosaic and collage, wood work where we would learn carpentry joints etc.
He says that our work is our Art. He also says that Art is not it until the receiver appreciates it and admires it, therefore It has to be realy outstanding. The people who create Art enjoy it, they would still do it even if no one noticed but once it is recognised they make history. Picasso, Van Gogh, Stephen Covey etc.
I have also enjoyed reading Dead Aid: Why Aid is not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa by Dr. Dambisa Moyo. It was interesting to discover Switzerland is a landlocked country - some of the poor performing countries in Africa are landlocked and it sure looks like that is the reason why it is hard to excel but nope... Something else that comes across from the book is when you receive free things, there's higher chance of waste and not using it for appointed projects. China's role in Africa is more of business. They offer a service which requires payment over time. Their finances are definitely used for the appointed projects.
The other books am reading are my school books....whaaat....things are thick but I shall excel.
I am learning and appreciating new things. I am looking forward to start the project, I hope I shall end up with an enjoyable topic which I can deliver well on.
I think I should start a bookshop...
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