April 16, 2012


In December two of my friends had a wedding, my role was kym-kazi ya mkono (Swahili) directly translated hand work -like a handy man- means running around to ensure everything is working well and all corners are covered. At one of the weddings I was given a pair of sun glasses to hold for the bride as she would need them during the ceremony alongside other items, a camera etc. Since my role was running around, I placed the sunglasses on a chair where the sister of the bride picked them and sat on the chair, she also got up at some point.....in the evening, the sun glasses got misplaced. We couldn't tell who had them last and this got the bride very upset.
The bride posted an update on social media that she thought she knew who her friends were but evidently she did not because she lost something of great sentimental value with them around...that sucked as I had the responsibility to take care of them.
She kept checking whether we had found them and eventually we resigned to the fact they were lost, but she did not forget :). So many days after the wedding she asked if we had ever found them I said not and she was really sad so I decided to take responsibility and pay for them. She was very excited at the thought and we even worked out a repayment plan, they were quite out of my league :). I fully repaid for them in a couple of months... but I wasn't too happy that she accepted the repayment...why, you would ask, yet I volunteered to do it anyway... can't explain why clearly...but our friendship's now a marshmallow.

I have been chatting up with a nice guy whom I met at one of my friends wedding, we are all at the marrying age so talks on what kind of partners we would like, come up. After many chats I narrowed down what I thought was his kind of girl, I wasn't it :) but I happened to know a girl who matched up to his description though she was seriously dating someone else.. bottomline, I could tell his kind. So he decided he would try find me a hook up and I asked him if he could describe my kind but he said I was dicreet so he couln't tell. It wasn't that really, he couldn't tell my kind because I didnt have a checklist. On the other hand he has a checklist which he refers to sometimes and that's how I could tell his kind/type.

It could be good to have a checklist but for me I only have a general idea of what I like and it sort of happens naturally and thus not need to ask... are you intelligent? are you hardworking? I find out as we get along and have realised some of the things I would want on my checklist (if I had one) are not as important as others I find in the person and others very impotant.
I think I should come up with a checklist but it would have minimum acceptable percentages..who even does that?! ...for instance he could be 90% intelligent but only 40% hardworking so nooowww...
Many times I have suffered buyers remorse, in boarding school I always looked forward to holidays and when they came I missed hanging out with my school friends and shortly I was looking forward to be back in school. What if somethings on my checklist dont turn to be as cool as I had hoped?

Marshmallows are cute and pretty and look tasty...but I think they taste flat and bland and the spongy feel isn't cool.
On the other hand cheese doesnt taste so good first time you have it, but you acquire the taste as you move along and you cant help but have a cheese burger, pizza , cheese potatoes etc

To have a checklist or not...hmmmm

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